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Eunjeong Park

Eunjeong Park is a research assistant professor of Yonsei Cardiovascular Research Institute at Yonsei University Collage of Medicine (Severance Hospital) , Seoul, Korea. She was a research manager of UCLA Wireless Health Institute at the University (WHI) at the University of California, Los Angeles, CA, and a research professor of Computer Science and Engineering at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

She received her Ph.D. in the School of Computer Science and Engineering of Seoul National University in 2006, and spent the academic years 2006-2010 as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Seoul National University.

Research Interests

Her research interests include interdisciplinary researches on wireless healthcare systems, intelligent medical informatics and mobile education. The focus of her current work is wireless monitoring of patients, location-based recommendation, and mobile evaluation of cognitive and communicative abilities. These research topics are related to application of technological advancements to healthcare, wellness and life sciences.



Journal Articles

  • Eunjeong Park, Hyuk-Jae Chang, Hyo Suk Nam, "A Bayesian Network Model for Predicting Post-Stroke Outcomes with Available Risk Factors ”, Frontiers in Neurology, accepted for publication.
  • Eunjeong Park, Ji Hoon Kim, Hyo Suk Nam, Hyuk-Jae Chang, "Requirement Analysis and Implementation of Smart Emergency Medical Services”, IEEE ACCESS, accepted for publication.
  • Hansoo Yoo*, Eunjeong Park*, Soolienah Rhiu, Hyuk-Jae Chang, Kyoungsub Kim, Joonsang Yoo, Ji Hoe Heo, Hyo Suk Nam, "A computerized red glass test for quantifying diplopia," BMC Ophthalmology, vol.17, no.71, May 2017 (*co-first authors).
  • Eunjeong Park, Hyuk-jae Chang, Hyo Suk Nam, "Use of Machine Learning Classifiers and Sensor Data to Detect Neurological Deficit in Stroke Patients," Journal of Medical Internet Research, vol.19, no.4, e120, April 2017.

  • Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Andrew Campion, Alex Huang, Eunjeong Park, Jordan H Garst, Nima Jahanforouz, Marie Espinal, Tiffany Siero, Sophie Pollack, Marwa Afridi, Meelod Daneshvar, Saif Ghias, Majid Sarrafzadeh, Daniel C Lu "Identifying predictors for postoperative clinical outcome in lumbar spinal stenosis patients using smart-shoe technology," Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, vol. 18, no.14 (1):77, Jul 2017.

  • Eunjeong Park, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Sunghwan Oh, Andrew Campion, Nimaghalehsari, Sangsoo Park, Daniel C. Lu, and Majid Sarrafzadeh, "A Wearable System to Recognize Alcohol-Induced Gait Using Sensor-Equipped Smart Shoes" submitted for review.

  • Eunjeong Park, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Hyo-Suk Nam, Jordan H. Garst, Alex Huang, Andrew Campion, Nima Ghalehsariand, Monica Arnell, Sangsoo Park, Hyuk-jae Chang, Daniel C. Lu, and Majid Sarrafzadeh, "Unobtrusive and Continuous Monitoring of Alcohol-impaired Gait Using Smart Shoes," Methods of Information in Medicine (Methods Inf Med), vol.56, no.1, p 74-82, Jan 2017.

  • Min Jeong Lee, Eunjeong Park, Hyeon Chang Kim, Hye Sun Lee, Myoung-Jin Cha, Young Dae Kim, Ji Hoe Heo, and Hyo Suk Nam, "Timely Interventions can Increase Smoking Cessation Rate in Men with Ischemic Stroke," J Korean Acad Nurs Vol.46 No.4, 610-617, 2016

  • Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Eunjeong Park, Alex Huang, Bobak Mortazavi, Jordan Hayward Garst, Nima Jahanforouz, Marie Espinal, Tiffany Siero, Sophie Pollack, Marwa Afridi, Meelod Daneshvar, Saif Ghias, Daniel C. Lu, Majid Sarrafzadeh, "Objectively Quantifying Walking Ability in Degenerative Spinal Disorder Patients using Sensor Equipped Smart Shoes," Medical Engineering & Physics (Med Eng Phys), vol. 38, no. 5, pp 442-449, 2016.

  • Seokjong Chung*, Eunjeong Park*, Byoung Seok Yeh, Hye Sun Lee, Hyuck-jae Chang, Dongbeom Song, Young Dae Kim, Ji Heo Heo, Hyo Suk Nam, "The Computerised Table Setting Test for Detecting Unilateral Neglect," Plos One, Vol.11 No.1, e0147030, 2016.(*co-first auhors)

  • Sunghoon Ivan Lee,Bobak Mortazavi, Haydn A. Hoffman, Derek S. Lu, Charles Li, Brian H. Paak, Jordan H. Garst, Mehrdad Razaghy, Marie Espinal, Eunjeong Park, Daniel C. Lu, and Majid Sarrafzadeh, "A Prediction Model for Functional Outcomes in Spinal Cord Disorder Patients using Gaussian Process Regression," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), vol. 20, no. 1, 2016.

  • HyangHee Kim, Jee Eun Sung, JungWan Kim, Eunjeong Park, Ji Hye Yoon, Hyun Ji Yooand Soo Ryon Kim, "Response time measurements in the iOS app-based Token Test, the Brief Token Test in the elderly," Geriatrics & Gerontology International , vol.14, no.4, p 969-974, Oct 2014.

  • Ji Hye Yoon, HyangHee Kim, JungWan Kim, Eunjeong Park and Soo Ryon Kim, "Size variability of handwriting in healthy Korean older adults," Geriatrics & Gerontology International, vol.14, no.2, p 458-463, Apr 2014.

  • Hyo Suk Nam, JoonNyung Heo, Jinkwon Kim, Young Dae Kim, Tae Jin Song, Eunjeong Park and Ji Hoe Heo, " Development of Smartphone Application That Aids Stroke Screening and Identifying Nearby Acute Stroke Care Hospitals," Yonsei Medical Journal vol.55, no.1, p. 25-29,February 2014.

  • Hyo Suk Nam, Eunjeong Park and Ji Hoe Heo, " Facilitating Stroke Management using Modern Information Technology," Journal of Stroke, vol.15, no.3, p 135-143, October, 2013.

  • Soojeong Shin*, Eunjeong Park*, Ki-Jeong Lee, Ji Hoe Heo, and Hyo Suk Nam, "An Objective Pronator Drift Test Using A Handheld Device," PLosOne, vol.7, no.7, e41544, 2012. (*co-first authors).

  • Eunjeong Park and Hyo Suk Nam,"Interoperable Real-Time Medical Systems for Assured Healthcare Services," IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.E95-B, no.10, p.3100-3102, October, 2012.

  • H. S. Nam, M.-J. Cha, Y. D. Kim, E. H. Kim, E. Park, H. S. Lee, C. M. Nam and J. H. Heo, "Use of a Handheld, Computerized Device as a Decision Support Tool for Stroke Classification," European Journal of Neurology , vol. 19, no.3, p.426-430, March 2012.

  • Eunjeong Park and Hyo Suk Nam, "A Hospital in Hands: Using Smart-phones as Healthcare Tools," IEEE Pervasive Computing, Work-in-Progress, p58, October 2011.

  • Eunjeong Park and Hyo Suk Nam, "A Service-Oriented Medical Framework for Fast and Adaptive Information Delivery in Mobile Environment," IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol.13, no.6, p.1049-1056, November 2009.

  • Eunjeong Park and Heonshik Shin,"Reconfigurable Service Composition and Categorization for Power-Aware Mobile Computing," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, vol. 19, no. 11, p.553-1564, November 2008.

  • Eunjeong Park and Heonshik Shin, "Cooperative Reconfiguration of Software Components for Power-Aware Mobile Computing," IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E89-D, no.2, p.498-506, February 2006.

  • Eunjeong Park, Taehyun Kim, and Heonshik Shin, "Comparative analysis of aperiodicserver approaches for real-time garbage collection," Journal of Embedded Computing, vol. 1, No. 1, p.73-83, 2005.
  • Conferences, Workshops and Posters

  • Gibaek Nam, Yeongcheol Shin, Eunjeong Park, and Hyuk-jae Chang, "Detection of Facial Palsy for Stroke Patients Using Face Recognition," 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC), July, 2017.

  • Yeongcheol Shin, Gibaek Nam, Eunjeong Park, and Hyukjae Chang, "Early Stroke Detection Using Voice Features by Machine Learning: A pilot study," 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEEE EMBC), July, 2017.

  • Eunjeong Park, Hyo Suk Nmam, Gibaek Nam, Youngcheol Shin, Taehwa Han, and Hyuk-jae Chang, "Smart Emergency Medical Systems (SEMS) for Fast Activation of Triage Procedure for Stroke Patients," European Stroke Organization Conference (ESOC), May, 2017.

  • Taein Kwon, Eunjeong Park, Hyuk-jae Chang, "Smart Refrigerator for Healthcare Using Food Image Classification," 7th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (ACM BCB), October, 2016.

  • Monica Arnell, Eunjeong Park, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Charles Li, Andrew Campion, Ruth Getachew, Daniel C. Lu, "Wireless Technology to Assess Neuromotor Function during Substance Use," Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Boston, MA, October, 2015.

  • Monica Arnell, Sunghoon Ivan Lee, Eunjeong Park, Charles Li, Ruth Getachew, Daniel C. Lu, "Wireless Technology for Motor Assessment in Patients with Lumbar Spine Injury," 82nd American Association of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, USA, April, 2014.

  • Dongeun Lee, Heonshik Shin, and Eunjeong Park,"Modeling Recovery Strategies in Service-Oriented Architecture using a Markov Decision Process," 2011 IEEE 13th International Symposium on High-Assurance Systems Engineering, October 2011.

  • Eunjeong Park and Hyo Suk Nam," An Integrated Information System for Patient Monitoring Services using Bio-sensors," International Conference on Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Advances in Biomedical Engineering, 2011.

  • Soojeong Shin, Eunjeong Park, Ki-Jeong Lee, Ji Hoe Heo,and Hyo Suk Nam, "The Objective Pronator Drift Test Using A Handheld Computer Device," The 63rd American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, April 2011.

  • Eunjung Lee, Eunjeong Park, and Heonshik Shin, "Dynamic Web Service Composition with Reliability for Real-time Applications," International Conference on Information and Multimedia Technology, December 2010.

  • Eunjeong Park and Hyo Suk Nam,"A platform design for ubiquitous medical systems," IASTED International Conference on Computational Intelligence, 2010.

  • Eunjeong Park, Seungwook Do, Heonshik Shin and Hyo Suk Nam, "An Adaptive Streaming Technique for Interactive Medical Systems in Mobile Environment," ACM International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems, September 2009.

  • Eunjeong Park, Heonshik Shin, and Hyo Suk Nam, "Collective Management of Medical Information in a Decision Support System," Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, September 2009.

  • Eunjeong Park, Hyo Suk Nam and Heonshik Shin, "Mobile Clinical Systems on an Interoperable Medical Framework," IEEE Service Computing Conference, July 2008.

  • Eunjeong Park, Hyo Suk Nam and Heonshik Shin, "Multimedia Service Composition for Context-Aware Mobile Computing," ACM Multimedia Modeling, January. 2007.
  • Patents

    [P07] Hyk-jae Chang, Eunjeong Park, Gibaek Nam, and Youngcheol Shin, "Identification system for patient information with electronic medical record wearable devices ," Korea Patent Application.

    [P06] Hyk-jae Chang and Eunjeong Park, "METHOD, SERVER AND SYSTEM FOR GENERATING DISEASE PREDICTION MODELS," Korea Patent Application.


    [P04] Hyk-jae Chang, Eunjeong Park, and Sung Namgoong, "System for Triage and Method for Triage using the same, " Korea Patent, Application No. 10-2016-0049284.

    [P03] Hyk-jae Chang, Eunjeong Park, and Sung Namgoong, "System for Carrying Patients, " Korea Patent, Application No. 10-2016-0049272.

    [P02] Hyo Suk Nam, Ji Hoe Heo, and Eunjeong Park, "Method of Measuring Nervous System Disorders Using Portable Devices, " Korea Patent, Registration No. 10-2010-0040233.

    [P01] Hyo Suk Nam, Ji Hoe Heo, and Eunjeong Park, "Test Method of Neglect Syndrome and Software and Device," Korea Patent, Application No. 10-2012-0016202.

    Teaching Experience

    Professional Services


    e-mail: eunjeong.ej@gmail.com; eunjeong-park@yuhs.ac